Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michael Jackson part 2

Michael Jackson's right hand
Taken the same day as the previous post, the day he left the courthouse with a not guilty verdict, Michael waves to the crowd. This ring finger (Apollo) is also quite long, in fact it's almost as long as his middle finger (Saturn) which is rare to see on anybody.

The right hand ring finger is about being in the spotlight with one's creative expression. And Michael performed, as we all know, with great joy in the spotlight. One of the challenges for this finger, however, is issues of perfection, which he acknowledged in an interview that was broadcast over the last 10 days. He performed with perfection but reaching that may have been costly to him energetically as well as emotionally. When does something creative reach perfection? It's only in the eyes of the person creating.

Have you experienced some creative endeavor that actually felt perfect to you? I recall sometimes when I finish teaching a class I feel great about it, but can also discover some of that mind chatter that says, "Oh, you forgot to include...."

Monday, July 6, 2009

MIchael Jackson Part 1

Michael Jackson's hands

This photo was taken outside the courthouse just after his verdict of not guilty a few years ago. Notice that his ring finger (Apollo) is longer than his index finger. We saw this on Denzel Washington as well. It's quite common for stars in Hollywood and music to have this marking.

As mentioned about Denzel Washington, in the world of Hand Analysis it's indicative of being very creative. On his left hand, it's even more about innovation, which we know he did in a huge way with his dancing, videos and music. In fact, his innovation, based on how long his finger is, shows that he would definitely think and create
outside the box.

What is your favorite innovative thing that Michael Jackson did?