Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston's Hands

This week Whitney Houston's interview with Oprah Winfrey has been broadcast during Oprah's opening week. I was really struck by Whitney's acknowledgement that Bobby was jealous of her. He has a Passionate heart line - whose tagline is "I want what I want and I want it now." The Passionate heart line curves up and touches the middle finger as displayed on his right hand.
His jealousy could easily come from not having access to Whitney's love or attention when HE wanted it, thus becoming angry. As part of the behavior he displayed when angry was spitting at her once, just before she decided to leave him. His rage, on the student path, took hold of him. On the master path, the passion of a person with Passionate heart lines can be used, as he did in his music, to express something that comes from inside.