Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston's Hands

This week Whitney Houston's interview with Oprah Winfrey has been broadcast during Oprah's opening week. I was really struck by Whitney's acknowledgement that Bobby was jealous of her. He has a Passionate heart line - whose tagline is "I want what I want and I want it now." The Passionate heart line curves up and touches the middle finger as displayed on his right hand.
His jealousy could easily come from not having access to Whitney's love or attention when HE wanted it, thus becoming angry. As part of the behavior he displayed when angry was spitting at her once, just before she decided to leave him. His rage, on the student path, took hold of him. On the master path, the passion of a person with Passionate heart lines can be used, as he did in his music, to express something that comes from inside.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Michael Jackson part 2

Michael Jackson's right hand
Taken the same day as the previous post, the day he left the courthouse with a not guilty verdict, Michael waves to the crowd. This ring finger (Apollo) is also quite long, in fact it's almost as long as his middle finger (Saturn) which is rare to see on anybody.

The right hand ring finger is about being in the spotlight with one's creative expression. And Michael performed, as we all know, with great joy in the spotlight. One of the challenges for this finger, however, is issues of perfection, which he acknowledged in an interview that was broadcast over the last 10 days. He performed with perfection but reaching that may have been costly to him energetically as well as emotionally. When does something creative reach perfection? It's only in the eyes of the person creating.

Have you experienced some creative endeavor that actually felt perfect to you? I recall sometimes when I finish teaching a class I feel great about it, but can also discover some of that mind chatter that says, "Oh, you forgot to include...."

Monday, July 6, 2009

MIchael Jackson Part 1

Michael Jackson's hands

This photo was taken outside the courthouse just after his verdict of not guilty a few years ago. Notice that his ring finger (Apollo) is longer than his index finger. We saw this on Denzel Washington as well. It's quite common for stars in Hollywood and music to have this marking.

As mentioned about Denzel Washington, in the world of Hand Analysis it's indicative of being very creative. On his left hand, it's even more about innovation, which we know he did in a huge way with his dancing, videos and music. In fact, his innovation, based on how long his finger is, shows that he would definitely think and create
outside the box.

What is your favorite innovative thing that Michael Jackson did?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Beyonce Part 3 - Heart Line type

Beyonce's Heart Line

Beyonce's heart line indicates a Passionate type.

The heart line starts under the pinkie. It's the line closest to the fingers. And in this case curves up and touches the middle finger. This is called a Passionate.

Some Passionate characteristics that we know about Beyonce is her passion for whatever she undertakes. Her fame and capacity to be in the spotlight as much as she is would also be something a Passionate would find interesting. Often, a Passionate likes the attention.

In Hand Analysis there are four heart line types and this is one of the four. To see the other types go to my blog
and research the June and July 2008 archives for details about the heart lines including hand print examples.

By the way, many celebrities, especially in the acting business, have Passionate Heart Lines.
Do you feel Beyonce expresses passion in her singing, acting and dancing?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beyonce's Life Part 2

Beyonce's Husband - Jay-Z
Notice, as Jay-Z, singer and husband to Beyonce, holds her, his fingers are open, space between them. That allows energy to flow in and out.
If they were tightly held together, it would be difficult to let other people's ideas flow in and he could feel stuck in his own thoughts and beliefs. But he has 'flow' between his fingers - a normal amount - not too much, not too little.
Most celebrities or famous people would need to have some flow and most people do better is there is flow space between the fingers.
Some people actually have really wide open spaces between fingers and that lets too much in and out - could be boundary issues.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Beyonce Part 1

Beyonce's hands

Celebrity Beyonce has extremely long fingers on her hands. And she uses her famous hands in her videos. What does it mean to have longer fingers from a hand analysis perspective?

One viewpoint is the capacity to analyze situations well and think through the impact of a decision. The success Beyonce has is not just about her talent. There is strategy behind her singing career and now acting career. Well considered strategies are a part of her analysis in addition to what calls her creatively.

Can you share any stories that you know about Beyonce's ability to make decisions that she's thought through?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Denzel Washington Part 3

Denzel Washington Part 3

The last thing to comment on for Denzel that affects how he might relate to others based on his markings is his heart line. That is the line closest to his fingers.

It's called a "Hermit" because it's straight and ends under the middle finger. Hermit's love their freedom and will avoid anything that makes them feel emotionally trapped. They want to choose how to spend their time, with whom, and for how long, for example.

If you have one of these heart line types, you desire that same freedom of choice.

You can learn more about heart lines on my blog and on my web site Look for the Your Heart is In Your Hands books and audios under Heart Lines.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Denzel Washington Part 2

Denzel Washington's Hands Part 2

Let's look at how few lines Denzel has on his hands.
This represents a person who is great at synthesizing, getting to the bottom line.

What does that mean? For example, when he was directing "The Great Debators" when he wanted a specific action from the other actors in the movie, he might say, "Act as if you are feeling anger."

There wouldn't a long, drawn out explanation of what anger would mean or look like for a specific scene. Simple comment, to the point, clear and the bottom line.

If you have few lines in your hands or are in relationship with somebody who does, knowing more about this attribute could help improve your understanding and thus your relationships.

For more clarity about "the bottom line" go to and look for the article called "The Bottom Line."

Denzel Washington Part 1

Denzel Washington Part 1

The first thing that jumps out at me when I look at Denzel's hands is how long his ringer finger is on his right hand. It's almost as long as his middle finger. The ring finger, called, Apollo in hand analysis, represents creative expression. Although it's common amongst actors to have long ring fingers, it's not common in the general population.

Hand Analysis has some structures associated with it - one of them is, "the longer it is, the more time you spend in it." In this case, Denzel's Apollo finger is very long, meaning he would spend a lot of time in his creative expression out in the world - as he does - acting and directing. He could feel emotionally unsatisfied or even soulfully unsatisfied if he doesn't express himself creatively 'enough'. If you have a long ring finger, you also will find more satisfaction in your life and thus in your relationships if you have 'enough' creative outlets.