Monday, June 15, 2009

Denzel Washington Part 2

Denzel Washington's Hands Part 2

Let's look at how few lines Denzel has on his hands.
This represents a person who is great at synthesizing, getting to the bottom line.

What does that mean? For example, when he was directing "The Great Debators" when he wanted a specific action from the other actors in the movie, he might say, "Act as if you are feeling anger."

There wouldn't a long, drawn out explanation of what anger would mean or look like for a specific scene. Simple comment, to the point, clear and the bottom line.

If you have few lines in your hands or are in relationship with somebody who does, knowing more about this attribute could help improve your understanding and thus your relationships.

For more clarity about "the bottom line" go to and look for the article called "The Bottom Line."

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